comprehension Your Dreams
Posted on 10:43 PM | By oungi | In comprehension , Dreams
We all dream. Do you have long dreams? Do you remember your dreams? What do you think about them? Do the most improbable things happen in your dreams, such as plunging into a ravine, climbing a mountain or, flying over tall buildings? Do you often find yourself naked in your dreams or having lost something and cannot find it? every person dreams although not every person remembers them. How often have you been delighted by a dream and how often have you felt frightened by them? We've all read articles listing the meanings of dreams about good on bad omens such as: dreams where your teeth fall out mean an imminent death and so on. Sometimes these lists are as meaningless or as obscure as the dreams themselves.
[b]Rock Scorpio[/b]Do dreams have any influence? Do dreams have any significance? This transcript is all about comprehension your dreams, not a list of meanings. The prognosis of a dream is important. Why? Because dreams are `born' in the subconscious and it is in the subconscious where a great deal of facts is stored and often inaccessible to normal waking consciousness. Within our subconscious are our darkest fears, our incommunicable hopes, our un-confessed desires, and our deepest anxieties. Let's look at comprehension our dreams and maybe just maybe, we will come to understand ourselves a little great look upon dreams as a kind of mirror and when we look into this mirror we often see ourselves as we beyond doubt are.
All you need to do is try to remember your dreams and in retention a narrative of them for about a month you will soon eye a pattern, a theme, a sequence. Some dreams make it possible to avert disaster, others offer clues to a qoute some seem absurd yet, and after a little prognosis many come to be more logical. As I said before, every person dreams and as such some dreams common to everyone, tempered of course by separate situations but nevertheless common to almost everyone' How long do dreams last? This can vary from few seconds to 45 minutes, even longer in some cases. The one thing you must remember is, to the subconscious mind our daily meaning of items has no bearing whatsoever. Even when you are daydreaming and someone asks you. What are you thinking about? Your reply will often be: "Oh! Nothing much." Yet, a long and complex scenario has passed straight through your mind.
Our dreams are independent of our will and of our sense of morality. We have no operate over them whatsoever; we can only watch them unfold, like being at the movies. Our dreams take no list of convention, tradition, time or space, good or bad. Dreams are symbols and once you understand the symbols you'll come to understand what's going on in the deepest part of your mind' you will come to understand what's beyond doubt worrying you or what you secretly fear. We dream in symbols, if you can grasp the meanings of the more universal symbols then your dreams won't worry or concern you as much but will help you to understand yourself great than many years of 'analysis.
A emblem is something to which we attach a meaning, e.g.: A 'flag is a piece of canvas yet the meaning behind the flag is a emblem of our nation, we salute the emblem and what it stands for, not the canvas flag' A stop sign is a sign yet it is a emblem of danger if we ignore it's meaning. A rose is a universal emblem of beauty, the cross, a emblem of suffering and resurrection. Most symbols are charged with emotion, some with love, others with fear, just think of the swastika' Dreams are the way your subconscious mind communicates with you mind, not in your daily language but in the universal of symbols. We are all the same yet, we are all different. Dreams have a wider more universal foresight of all the probabilities and possibilities known to man. Some of the many inventions of all time were dreamt' before they became a reality. When we are awake we make observations about many things and often forget them but do we beyond doubt forget ? beyond doubt not, they are stored in the subconscious only to face later in our dreams. Let me give you a few examples of the symbols, which you might see in your dreams, and an interpretation of them.
The Sun: To see or sense the Sun in a dream would indicate a time of increased energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. A time of fruitfulness, of increased creativity. Looking or sensing the Sun in a dream would throw some light on a qoute or dispel fears you might be harbouring.
Water: Dreaming of water carries a wide variety of meanings and one must analyse ones dreams over a period of time so as to explicate properly. Water is a universal emblem of the subconscious and if you see yourself swimming in clear water you are likely to be entering a period of increased clarity of thought. If the water is murky then a time of confusion is near. If you dream of fishing then a time of questioning where your life is at and where it is going could be an precise interpretation. If you dream of a fountain this is often a sign of increased confidence, force and lucidity. If you are drowning in water you are likely to be going straight through a period of confusion, it's time to seek pro help.
Your Mother: Very seldom do you dream of your mom as she beyond doubt is unless it is a recollection of a new event. However, the emblem of the mom is one of protection, security, and forgiveness, of nurturing and of wisdom. This emblem might appear in thousand and one disguises such as a house, a cave, a garden; the list is endless yet the symbols will remind you of a mom figure. Interestingly, it is a sign of abnormality to dream frequently of your actual mother, the meaning here is that you have not emotionally separated from her.
Your Father: Like dreaming of your mom you won't beyond doubt see your corporeal father but will be reminded of him by the symbols in your dream. If you constantly dream of your corporeal father it is often a sign of emotional immaturity. The Father emblem is one of force authority, virility. In dreams the emblem is often one of a guide, of whom you ask questions and one who gives you advice. The emblem of the Father is reminding you to "stand on your own two feet."
Your Childhood: In many cases a yearning to return to days of innocence. Analyse your actual childhood and see if your attitudes have altered or, if you are responding to situations as an adult or as you would a child. Maybe you are trying to please too many population in your life.
Your Husband or Wife: Again the actual someone is unlikely to appear in your dreams but the need for a mate is what your dreams are beyond doubt telling you. The need for a fulfilling connection is what this emblem is all about. In fact, population who are in love with their partner often worry about not Looking them in their dreams and wonder why. If you frequently dream of your spouse (apart from the odd occurrence) you may be overly dependent on others for your existence. By others I mean the whole world. It's time to begin loving yourself a little more.
Illness: Never take this dream literally, often as not if one is dreaming of being physically ill then one is more likely to be mentally ill. Psychologically, something is not right in your life and it is time you took steps to remedy anything your prognosis tells you aren't right.
Death: If you dream about death then you are troubled by it! This is natural for one day we are all going to die. Just as we came into this life alone we will go out alone and this is what frightens most population To dream of Death means that something has `died' something has come to an `end' and it is time to face this fact and get on with your life. Maybe your job, your career, your child bearing years, your potency your connection with a partner, a love affair. The list is endless.
Funeral: More often as not one sees one's own funeral and worries about their own demise. Remember, we dream in symbols and what this dream usually means is that something in your life must be buried and un-forgotten.
Flying: [Travelling upwards]. In dreams this is often linked with power and greatness. No matter how you see yourself in reality this emblem (be you flying in a plane like Superman or going up in a lift) is one where you possess an inner force to cope with anything life is bringing you. You will rise above your difficulties. This emblem often accompanies an achievement; a goal being reached a spiritual awakening.
Falling: [Travelling downwards]. This symbol, no matter how it is disguised, is all about a descent into the subconscious where fears must be faced; anxieties must be dealt with. The `primitive self' often makes itself felt while this time and one faces one's own, sometimes brutal impulses. In dreaming of Falling you are being asked to remember, once you are at the lowest you will rise again. Don't be afraid of hitting rock lowest and you will eye incommunicable strengths, which will help you, pull your life together. Many people, having lost all hope dream of falling and awaken before they reach the lowest of anything pit they are sinking into. If you have faith that no harm will come to you then a `turning point' will soon be reached in reality.
Fire: Now you are tapping into one of the many sources of psychic energy. Your life is about to be transformed, purified, altered.
Sexual Dreams: Very seldom will you beyond doubt dream of a corporeal organ, more likely a representation of such. Let's look at the phallus. This emblem is all about life and living and if your dreams contain the following you are being asked to exhibit rather than inhibit your natural inclinations. To live life more creatively, to trust in yourself. The subconscious mind will distort your image of the phallus by calling up images such as a serpent, a tree, a sword, a stick, and a tower. The list is endless. Look for anything, which stands erect, stiff, rigid, straight, and upright. Be rigorous in your interpretation of a sexual dream because the sexual instinct is so powerful that it colours even the smallest of human behaviour. The desire to know more about all is what this dream often indicates a thirst for knowledge. The vagina is someone else corporeal organ, which you will very seldom dream about, in its corporeal form but in a myriad of symbols. Caverns, caves, cups, holes in the ground, pools of water, gardens filled with flowers. everywhere soft, damp and enveloping (a rainforest!). This dream is all about the need for security, about the need to eye you. You are being asked by your subconscious to accept yourself and your life as one of the choices you have made. To accept accountability of your actions, to break free from your fears and repression's.
Nakedness: One of the most common of dreams. Indicating feeling vulnerable in your reality. You could be shy, insecure or suffering an inferiority complex. It's time to like you, "warts and all.
Pregnancy: In your reality you are waiting for a time when you can break free from anything ties you down. Soon, there will be a `new life a re-birth time to start again.
Prince'S & Princess'S: It's time you stopped kidding yourself that someone will sweep you off your feet (a knight in shining armour) or awaken you (a sleeping beauty). Life demands that you live your life in your own way.
Rocks: Dreaming of rocks is all about stability. If you find yourself scaling a rock face you will soon overcome some difficulty. If you fail to reach the summit a dissatisfaction over some scheme is indicated.
Rose: A dream emblem of spirituality, of beauty, a emblem of perfection.
Spiders: A complex symbol, one that can terrify the dreamer. In reality something unexpected is about to happen. You may find yourself enmeshed (in a web) in some difficult situation or, are complimented on a job well done (a spiders web is an engineering marvel).
Returning To Places One Knew As A Child. You are running away from something in your life or, are not facing a decision you know you must make.
Being Chased: You are about to be found out for something you feel guilty about. The list of symbols can be as lengthy as a list of meanings so I won't continue. All I ask is that no matter what your dreams are all about your must look for the meanings of the symbols and not explicate them too literally. So, the next time Mr. Sandman comes calling you should be Looking send to what your dreams have to say
comprehension Your Dreams
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