Reminiscences of the Tiamat's First Born (Parts Iv and V) - The Macabre Dreams of the Tiamat's Son

Posted on 10:08 AM | By oungi | In , , , , ,

((From the Journals of the Demonic, called: "The Aeon -Shadows") (Part Vi))

[b]Rock Scorpio[/b]

Unfortunately, I must relate this following story, or tale of the First Born, for it is of a dream he had while in the room within the crust of the earth, when he fell feet first, into it after following the demon, and I would prefer he tell it. I say, I must relate it, for he did not put it into his diary, and you, I'm sure would be concerned in it, and he no longer can or will tell it, and so I am left to the challenge, so bear with me please.

To be upfront right from the beginning, I'm not sure if anyone knew how the dreams came about, they just did, and so real they seemed to the First Born. In the dream he was restless, back home in the forest with his mother, back when Yort, the great city of Asia Miner was in its infancy, when his mother had temples within those thick walls, when life in general was becoming intolerable for him. Within his head each day seemed like a war just to make it through, hidden thoughts came out, they were dark thoughts, and sounds of such. He could even hear the ants talk, and the cricket's feet move, sounds no one else could hear, perhaps it was this shack, he told himself, for he did not know he was in a Macabre dream at the time, that was in 6000 Bc.

He could even hear the babbling and madness of two grasshoppers in a state of fury. Later on in life he would observe if this legitimately was a dream, or if it was real. But for me and you, to the best of my knowledge it was a dream, but you would never convince the First Born of this. In any case, ghoulish hints came to mind for him, thus, feeling mental tension, that these creatures, and sounds were magic, hoary magic from those who wished to do his mother harm, and perhaps him, if legitimately he became a liability, or got in the way. She was the beast of the world you know, most all feared her. When he had woken up from the dream, he swore it could not be of his imagination. Dubious old forbidden secrets he knew, or he said he knew, from the sounds he heard.

He told his mother this, but she laughed, saying in jest, "Are you now my consulting savior?" Thus, she took no precautions as he beggared her to do, for the insects were talking about a battle to be, in the middle of Murdock and her, both qualified warriors, and supposedly, they heard Murdock talk behind her back to whomever, a ghoul I suppose.

It was not unusual for the First Born to believe in such things, he believed in stranger things in his younger days, it was queer thought, that he expressed them to his mother. And of procedure her advice was to hush up. The First Born could not have told her what he expected to happen, he did not know, and if he would have said, she was to be mangled in a great battle, he may had come out headless after the speech.

The First Born studied this dream for a long while, finding an accessible spot in the forest where he could think clear headed. When his mother spotted him in the forest thinking, she asked, "Do you have a touch of brain favor, dreams begin early in the night, and inviting devils come and work on you, bleak they are in winter, but they still come slanting their evil, think no more of them, they are simply annoying, endurable, but annoying?"

But the First Born felt beyond his sanity laid the answer. perhaps he was mental too much, he was hear way too much; and potential he found a window where he could descend within his dreams-escape the realities of life, using his sensitivity, and his expected senses hearing all such details. Ye it caused him panic, gravitational panic.

In Times to Come
From the: 'Tablet of Destinies'

Marduk, son of Ea in times yet to come, took arrows, spears and clubs and killed the Tiamat, slicing her in half, his ambitions were to become king of the gods. Marduk was the chosen champion of the gods. It was the Tiamat that gave birth to the first generation of gods (thalassa).

Death of the Tiamat's First Born
((From the Journals of the Demonic, called: "The Aeon -Shadows") (Part V)

There was much controversy on how the First Born died, I shall challenge all these tales, and hesitantly tell you the nervous truth, if not shocking. Tiamat was the "ultimate" personification of a salt water beast, a god, a freak of nature, who roared and smote in the chaos of traditional creation. She was older than time itself, and had many children. She had many offspring, in particular those that came from the sea, giant offspring, giant sea serpents, and storm demons, fish-men, scorpion-men and many others. perhaps that is why the demon of the desert hated the First Born; his mother could have been the Tiamat, envy, jealousy, and revenge is in most living things. In any case, the First Born was named just that because he was born above the waters, on the surface. Easy as that; she had a lover, Kingu, but I shall not get into that, it is neither here or there, it just was. But let me get back to the premise.

Chance has shown herself capable of many odd things, but it wasn't opportunity that killed the First Born, more will one find the truth in his diary, clearly he had a flare for dramatics, and a swollen imagination that could arouse the spirits of the dead.

After visiting Egypt, he had come back to the city Yort, and got deeply complex with his mother's occult life, he may have even become a deity for worship in her temple, contrary to his diary, that makes him guilt free of all destined reflections.

But I have examined his live thoroughly, taken all my evidence, and put them into theories, and came out with what I feel the obsolete, undisputed correct one, undoubtedly, a genuineness piece of work, on my part. There was fear on his face when he died, fanatical. I saw it, or I should say, his remains, which are mummified.

Lahum, first born, son to Apsu, and the Tiamat, they mated. For the most part, he looked like a snake, and could, and did appear to humans as a bearded man; for he was called hairy in his time. There was a dispute in the middle of the two brothers, of distinct fathers, and the First Born would not return to his Egypt, and Lahum, now as recognized in the city as Marduk's favorite, as was he to the Tiamat. Anshar, s sibling to Lahum, saw this dispute, he was a sky god of sorts (this was the second generation of gods, the Tiamat being of the first). while the region of Sargon Ii (in what is now known as ancient Mesopotamia), was cast into stone, framed into Babylonia stone, in the year 689-627 Bc.

How he at last escaped, is someone else story, but he did, for he wrote the diary did he not, but it was not until late in his life did he write the diaries called "The Aeon -Shadows"

And afterwards by the Narrator

I was only going to make part I the end of the story at that, and then came part Ii, and somehow I got to part Iii, where we are at now, and this Interlude. Then I got thinking: The First Born has learned many things in life up to this point, unwillingly perhaps, and even unconsciously, but learn he did, all the same. Such as, he did take the first step that finally led to the second, and into what he had planned in the first place, to go beyond the forest, to seek out new adventures, life up in his tree tower was becoming boring, if you recall. You see he had a plan, but he wanted to leave it, but life does not always allow this to happen, thus, he was forced to go forward in it. And life should have a plan, and let's hope it is in agreement with you. Second, he was braver than he thought. He fought the Manticore, not because he wanted to, but to survive he had to. Fear grips us, but it does not have to paralyze us.

Fear can be good; I would think if one had no fear, he was crazy, dangerous, or foolish. Well this is not where it all stops, it perhaps is somewhere in the starting of the First Born's starting to understand life in it's fullest. Third he thought, because he was of the same race of the demonic creature that came to greet him, that the creature would be un-hostile to him, you know-like: kind to kind; that how could things get worse, but by following the demon, they did get worse, it of procedure made him think, but it was after the fact. You see, in life, if, you let folks take operate of it, they do just that, and it is commonly not for the betterment of you. Oh well, he is studying is he not, the hard way, the way I suppose I learned. And should we go on to a next episode, I dare say, what he could learn. Forth, he ended up in a room underground, like a tomb of sorts. And again he meets fate, which is the big spider.

When I use the word fate, I do not mean it lightly, he was bound to, after following the demon, what did he expect, a place with slaves from a demon, perhaps so, sometimes we just get on the wrong track, and think good can come out of bad. Oh well, he learned again, things do not work that way. And so he fought the spider, but he did not give up hope, and he found a way out. Often times this happens, if only we look, and grab opportunities. If we let them pass us by, we simply do not deserve them in the first place, or so I feel. Anyhow we are at a new juncture, and I am contemplating if I should plan a new episode, it was not in my plans in the first place, but you see, plans like life, change. Let me also add, in part Iv, perhaps in this ongoing story, the First Born knew more than what I thought; for what I learned was that premonitions are given for reasons, and dreams can be more than dreams. And if the imagination can dream it up, perhaps there is more truth to it, than the eye can see. So yes, I have learned from the First Born also.

Parts Iv and V were written on 1-3-2008, as Part Ii and Iii on the 2nd of January, and part I on the first. The last two parts, are mostly told by the narrator, and for good reason, the main character demands it to be so. But the First Born has learned dreaming is more than dreams, and death lingers on each page, of the unwritten book of life. In part four, envy and jealousy are complex here, with sibling rivalry. It is not uncommon, and often we the older generations find our kids that went off to change the world, came back, changed, and not the world. And often times they find things do not remain the same upon their return. And so a word to the wise, what you shun now, maybe shunned back at you later, so the First Born had to face. Restlessness in no excuse to walk away from what is called family, if you do, one must count the price, for there is always a price to pay; it might be wiser to leave the rock as it is or was, why move it? There are commonly more worms gathered there since last you saw it.

Note: The First Born looked very much, if not same to the mother Tiamat, one can see it by the drawing I did on the internet, under the Tiamat series. Or check my site to see if my wife put the drawing on it for me.


Reminiscences of the Tiamat's First Born (Parts Iv and V) - The Macabre Dreams of the Tiamat's Son

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