Yellow Sapphire Stone

Posted on 8:22 AM | By oungi | In ,

Yellow Sapphire Stone

Jupiter, the largest and heaviest planet in the solar system, represents the gem stone of yellow sapphire which is thought about to be the most useful for those whose Jupiter is malefic. Stone is a mineral that has contents of aluminum, hydrovisil and florin gift in it. It is weighty, plane and transparent gem stone that is found in the regions of Himalayas, Ceylon and Russia. Yellow Sapphire comes in white, light yellow, deep yellow and light orange color.

The yellow stone connotes Brihaspati (Jupiter) as the trainer of gods. Both the planet as well as gem stone of Yellow Sapphire represents wisdom, religion in human life. The wearer of stone gets the knowledge of ethics, wit, wisdom, worldly pleasure, worldly happiness, corporeal bliss, cleverness, long life, good health, prosperity, glory and thinking peace. Regularly authors, writers, barristers, traders and businessmen are astrologically advised to wear Yellow Sapphire Stone.

Sapphire can be worn by - the girls who have reached the age of marriage and don't want to delay their marriage; spouse (husband or wife) for a happier married life; those who lose their temper often; those who want to produce their sharp sightedness; those who want to strengthens the bondage of friendship; and those who want to ward off the danger of accidental death.

Wearers of Sapphire Stone progress in the spiritual field and stay away from all the fears of evil vibrations, ghosts and evil spirits. This gem stone also provides relief to individuals from fever, cough, rheumatism, mouth's foul smell, and kidney disease.

A genuine Yellow Sapphire Stone must Not be dull, cracked from inside, milky in appearance and asymmetrical in shape. An authentic and a genuine Yellow Sapphire Stone when placed on a white cloth and exposed to sunlight, gives yellow hue to the spot where the light is reflected. If a genuine Yellow Sapphire Stone is kept in milk for twenty-four hours it does not changes its color.

Although Sapphire is thought about to be among the most durable Gemstones, it must be taken care of well and cleaned with warm water, detergent, and a soft brush. It can be cleaned with steam also.

An ideal way of wearing Yellow sapphire Stone is to get it embedded in gold ring and to be worn in index finger. This gem stone should be worn on a Thursday while chanting of mantra "Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Guruve Namaha".

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